Glen & Rosie Arnold Auction

Tractor, Combine & Cat
2000 model John Deere 7810 tractor, mechanical front, 20,600 hours, well cared for and clean, sells with John Deere loader, bucket & bale forks; 2001 Case-IH 2366 axle flow diesel combine, clean; 2206 30” corn head sells separately; 1020 20’ grain table sells separately; John Deere head trailer sells separately; Cat 951C bucket dozer, street pads, 300 hours on major overhaul, approx 28,000 total hours
Truck, Pickup & Trailer
1994 model 4000 IH truck, series 4700, 409 IH diesel engine, 62,300 miles, 18’ box & hoist; 2004 Chevy crew cab pickup, Duramax diesel engine, automatic transmission, red, approx 200,000 miles; 2003 H&H 30’ tandem dully machinery trailer, 10th anniversary
Drill & Tillage Equipment
Super sharp-shedded Grate Plains drill mounted on a Yetter no-till cart, plants corn in 30” rows and beans in 7.5” rows, super clean; John Deere 210 yellow gang disk; John Deere 400 6 row rotary hoe; 27’ model 5600 Case I-H hydraulic fold field cultivator, harrow; Kewanee 14 shank chisel plow; 4 section harrow & cart
Misc Equipment
New Holland basket rake; Sittrex 12 wheel V rake; Gehl 135 grinder mixer with hydraulic long auger, shedded & clean, 1000 PTO; 61’ auger (running gear sprung)
Bins & Misc Farm Supplies & Equipment
3000 & 4000 bushel grain bins to be removed; spare tires; Walker floor jack; several grey steel lockers; solar fencer; wheel barrow; Century welder; Husky jack; near new Troy built snow blower; new lawn roller; (2) push lawn mowers; new plastic water tank; sleds; bicycles; bolt bins; hydraulic cylinders; barrel pumps; bottle gas cylinders; electric chicken pluckier; twisted shovels; (50) hide stretchers; L shape fuel tank with electric pump; steel welding table with vise (2) snatch blocks; near new fuel tank for John Deere 7810; Aaladin gas powered power washer, like new; control pneumatic 180lb 30 gallon upright air compressor, 4022 CC gas powered motor
Consigned by Neighbors
1990 army 6×6, soft top, 35,000 miles, diesel engine, 5 speed auto transmission with hi-lo; 2016 27’ plus 5 (32’ overall) Diamond T Flex Control tandem dully G.N. trailer, 10,000 lb axles, pulled once for 150 miles, shedded, looks like new, sells with spare wheel & tire; 2006 Ford 150 extended cab pickup, a few over 100,000 miles, black, clean, no rust, V8 engine, chrome grill guard; 2003 titan steel 3 horse slant load trailer, pulled very little, with dressing room; (18) WW corral panels with 1 gate panel & 1 walk trough gate panel; JD 946 MoCo w/flail conditioning; 12 Frontier rake; JD 567 mega wide baler under 2000 bales
1.7 miles west of the highway 2 & US 65 junction