Public Auction Kathy Sullivan

Coins will be sold at 11am sharp in the order they are listed.
Print your list here, or get one at the auction.

Furniture and Household: Large white oak roll-top desk; small oak roll top desk; vintage wooden high chair; dressers; bookshelves; antique full-sized metal bed frame; oak |
kitchen table with four chairs; oak dining room table with two leaves; six chairs and matching glass front china hutch; beige full-size couch; walnut coffee table; antique Universal electric sewing machine in wooden cabinet; microwave cart; full-size ping-pong table with accessories; Boston rocking chair; antique gentleman’s dresser with mirror; Jenny Lind full-size bed frame; twin bed with frame, box spring, and mattress; matching set of swivel rockers; children’s wooden table with two chairs; storage shelves; 2 vintage metal school desks; wall mounted bullhorns; Pyrex mixing bowl set; Frankoma dishes; two Keurig coffee makers, one new in the box; crock posts; baking dishes with lids; casserole dish sets; complete Saladmaster stainless steel heavy pan set; cast iron skillet; Correlle dishes; 8 place China dish set; large roasting pan; silverware sets; serving dishes; glass pitchers; drinking glasses; Brothers portable sewing machine; black computer chair; antique and vintage quilts; assorted linens; assorted bedding and baby blankets; two 4 pc. sets of striped ceramic dishes; cookbooks; table lamp; vases; picture frames; framed posters/prints; 75 and 45 RPM vintage record albums; pine writing desk; piano bench; jigsaw puzzles; children’s games; books; toys and puzzles; vintage croquet set; western décor; hardback and paperback books; board games; assorted small kitchen appliances; upright vacuums; canning jars; hand-held vacuums; and much more misc. |
oil can carrier; Deering Cast Iron seat; Kerosene lantern; bow saw; vintage wooden clothes dryer; Something for everyone! Outdoor/Tools/Misc.: Ceramic bird bath; ceramic pots; garden tables; garden décor; hoses; tools; Arc welder; portable air tanks; rims; antique windows; two children’s Power Wheels Mustangs; 1 red, 1 blue, small Igloo cooler; large Coleman chest cooler; men’s 10-speed bike; tire pump; women’s 10-speed bike; misc flower pots; Mantis garden tiller; auger sweep; vintage Shopsmith band saw; pump; generator; wheel weights; handmade children’s pedal wooden firetruck; children’s wooden wheelbarrows; and much more! Several items consigned by: Peg Mounce, Linda Reid, and Steve Rubell |
Humeston Community Center
103 N. Eaton Ave., Humeston, IA 50123